Prenatal Yoga In The Second Trimester has so many benefits for mama to be. Many mamas find the second trimester the most enjoyable, often energy level returns, morning sickness dissipates, and baby movement is felt providing reassurance.
Prenatal Yoga In The Second Trimester:
Second yoga trimester is a time to practice the power of pranayama, or your breath in preparation birth. So many mamas report back that practicing breathing was a life saver during labor. It’s also a time to keep discomforts at bay such as hip and lower back pain. So many mamas I’ve worked with report they sleep so much better after coming to their mat to practice. Getting good sleep is so important for mamas health and wellness.
Some of the favorite poses in second trimester are cat/cow (Bitilasana) to warm up the spine and help drop baby forward. Chest openers such as modified camel pose (Ustrasana) helps bring in more breath, and create space for the diaphragm. Hip openers such as bound angle pose (Baddhakona), relaxes the hips, supports the pelvic floor and can reduce pain during labor according to Dr. Grantly Dick Reed in Childbirth Without Fear. Shavasana can be such an enjoyable time to connect with baby and feel baby’s movement during this trimester, also a time to practice surrendering and letting go, another skill to prepare for birth.
Read Prenatal Yoga In The First Trimester
At Full Circle Yoga KC our prenatal yoga offers a class that mamas at all stages can practice and build their physical and emotional strength in preparation for their birthing journey.