What I wish I knew….. could be taken in so many directions on this important day! Today is election day in the United States. And like no other in my lifetime and likely yours this election will affect generations to come.
I wish I knew who was going to be our next President right NOW!
I wish I knew when this historic pandemic would end!
I wish I knew is a common comment I hear in the studio both in prenatal and postpartum yoga classes. I just listened to the podcast Yoga|Birth|Babies authors of Why Did No One Tell Me This? speak on many of these ‘I wish I knew’ tid bits during such a vulnerable time in life. They share some key reminders: Perfection Doesn’t Exist and Pregnancy/Birth/Postpartum is an opportunity for personal growth.
Some recent surprises that have recently been shared by Moms at FCYKC during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum
I wish I knew what preeclampsia was, and what that meant for me and my baby.
- Preeclampsia is a disorder that can occur in pregnancy and postpartum that is characterized by high blood pressure and usually presence of protein in the urine. Most women will deliver healthy babies and recover, however complications can arise during pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
I wish I knew that throwing up is a part of birth
- Yep, it’s true, vomiting during the transition phase of labor is normal. This is the part of active labor right before it’s time to begin pushing. Other systems during transition include nausea, chills, shaking, and hot-flashes. Vomiting can occur with or without an epidural.
I wish I knew how hard breastfeeding could be. There is a preconception that breastfeeding is easy, baby is born, baby latches on and all is good. As many learn this is not the case.
- A helpful tip is to have a lactation consultant lined up before giving birth. Set up a lactation appointment before leaving the hospital or arrange for a one when you return home.
- Breastfeeding can be HARD and sometimes a decision needs to be made for the mental health wellness of mom that breastfeeding has to come to an end and THAT’S OK, giving yourself GRACE is KEY!!!
I wish I had planed for postpartum like I had planned for my pregnancy and birth
- This is a big one! And especially now with Covid! So many changes are happening during this time, your body is changing, your relationships are changing, your figuring out how to parent a newborn. It’s important to remember your own health is super important. We’ve talked a lot about mental health in our Lunchtime Chat zoom meetings with some great resources being offered for mental health (https://www.centimano.com/ and https://drjillianwasson.com/)
On the flip side of this I hear comments so often from Mamas saying how thankful they are for classes at Full Circle Yoga KC because they didn’t know and now they do know! That’s what FCYKC is all about, creating community, supporting where you are and celebrating the journey with you. I’m beyond grateful for those who have continued to support the studio whether in-person or live on zoom. And even bigger than the studio is the support you offer to other women in our community at FCYKC. We are stronger together!!
Full Circle Yoga KC is family centered yoga studio in Midtown Kansas City specializing in Gentle Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Baby Yoga, and more.