Here are my top 5 Prenatal Yoga Poses! Full Circle Yoga KC is an Overland Yoga Studio specializing in Prenatal Yoga, Baby Yoga and Chair Yoga for seniors.
- Cat/Cow Prenatal Yoga Pose– this pose helps alleviate lower back pain by making room in spine and dropping baby forward. You can do this pose anytime when you’re feeling lower back discomfort and can often feel immediate response. This is also a wonderful pose during early labor to help rock baby down.
- Squat Prenatal Yoga Pose– this pose alleviates hip discomfort and opens and strengthens hips in preparation for birth. Many women give birth in this position. A block can be used to sit on in this pose to open a bit more. If placenta previa is present, 1-2 blocks should be used. If mama is over 34 weeks and baby is breach, avoid squats- doing all fours or bridge pose instead.
- Goddess Prenatal Yoga Pose-this is the ultimate mama pose! This pose helps support and work the pelvic floor. At Full Circle Yoga KC we do this pose in almost every prenatal class because it’s such a powerful way to prepare for birth. We tap into our inward strength and breath and build confidence in preparation for birth.
- Butterfly Prenatal Yoga Pose– Another wonderful hip opener and can be done anywhere. “It is found that pregnant women who sit daily in this pose for a few minutes will have much less pain during delivery and will be free from varicose veins.” – Childbirth Without Fear by Dr. Grantly Dick Reed
- Shavasana Prenatal Yoga Pose– An opportunity to relax and surrender. Queens pose is a wonderful pose in prenatal yoga. Our days can be filled with stress and constant on the go. Ten minutes of Shavansa can restore the mind, body, and spirit.