Prenatal Yoga For Third Trimester
“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers – strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.” – Barbara Katz Rothman
Your coming into the home stretch of your pregnancy journey. It may be the time when it all gets real for you and your partner, you’re bringing life into the world, you’re going to be a parent. You’re about to experience that rite of passage that makes you a Mama, BIRTH!
Your body and baby are working hard in unison, making the final preparations before birth-day. It’s often a time where it become more difficult to tie shoes, get up, roll over, walk, breath. Yet, it’s a crucial time to keep your body fit, comfortable, and relaxed. Prenatal yoga in the third trimester is a time to focus on preparing the body mentally and physically for labor and delivery. In addition to your body making final preparations, yoga can help get baby in optimal fetal position for arrival.
Stabilizing Pelvis- This can be done by simply sitting higher on sits bones on front of pelvis. Folding a blanket and sitting on the edge in easy pose will tilt the pelvis forward so baby’s head can engage. In easy-pose join the energy of you and your baby with cleansing deep breaths. This is a beautiful pose to recognize that every moment lasts only a moment and cultivate peace and calmness. Beginning your practice in this pose allows you to listen to your body, your intuition, and your baby. Deep breaths are what will ride you through the contractions, they will be your best friend. Take this time to connect deeply with your breath.
All 4’s- So much goodness in all-4 poses! This helps baby move into an anterior position and release pressure off the lower back. Think of this pose as cozy hammock for your baby as you sway, circle, feel a sense of lightness moving in time with your breath. All 4’s bring more flexibility and opens the pelvis. Cat/cow poses help get baby into optimal birthing position.
Hip Openers- Visualize strong open hips!!! Hip opener poses help bring balance and stability to the muscles and joints. Poses such as wide-angle forward fold, warrior II, child’s pose, seated squats, standing wide hip circles give full range motion in the hip joint.
Squats- For Mamas with a baby that is breech, this pose is not recommended for you. Squats are a pose that practices being okay with the discomfort and staying focused on keeping the body relaxed along with cleansing breaths. This pose will prepare Mama for the shaking and burning, the strength and confidence she will bring to her birth. Squats opens the pelvis and frees birthing muscles.
Savasana- While keeping the body active, it’s also just as important to create time for relaxation and tap into the inner power and wisdom. It’s an opportunity to hold space for quiet, self-care, and deep connection with baby. Savasana allows Mama to go inward as she will need to in labor and delivery, to trust and listen to her beautiful body.
Full Circle Yoga KC is family centered yoga studio in Midtown Kansas City specializing in Aerial Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Baby Yoga, Power Vinyasa and more.